5 Cornerstones for Good Health

Each one is as important as the others, and they are all interdependent.
They don't have to be perfect, but they do need to be worked on every day, and there are always small things you can do to improve. Each of the pillars is briefly described below.
Which pillar do you believe requires your attention and love?
Consider, plan, and take action. It doesn't have to be a big change; a small change at a time will suffice.
For example, because I didn't get enough sleep last night, I'm going to prioritize it today.
Plan: avoid screens for two hours before bedtime and replace them with reading and a 10-minute meditation.
There are many things we cannot control right now, but there are many things we CAN control.
The food we eat, the media we consume, the movement we get during the day, the people we hang out with, the conversations we have, and the positivity we exude.

The first wellness pillar may surprise you: get enough sleep. Sleep has a significant impact on weight loss, immune system function, and whether you feel happy or anxious. Every night, experts recommend at least eight hours of quality sleep.
Many factors can interfere with sleep, including racing thoughts, stress, hormonal imbalances, and poor digestion.

The body is nourished by nutrients. Proteins, carbs, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water are all examples of nutrients. If you don't get the right balance of nutrients in your diet, you run the risk of having certain health issues.
Your body weight balances, your hair, skin, and nails improve, your mood lifts, and you get a better sleep when you eat well and your body absorbs nutrients appropriately.

The adage "Sitting is the new smoking" is supported by research showing that sitting causes inflammation in our bodies.
The benefits of exercise may appear to be too good to be true, but decades of solid science confirm that exercise improves health and can help you live longer. A half-hour of moderately intense physical activity per day can help you avoid a variety of serious illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and depression.
Regular exercise can also improve your sleep, reduce stress, help you lose weight, improve your mood, and sharpen your mental function.
Endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin are the hormones responsible for that happy feeling after working out.
Choose a movement that you enjoy and incorporate it into your daily routine, such as brushing your teeth.

Mind / Emotions
While we frequently think of the mind and body as separate entities, they are inextricably linked. Your physical health can have an impact on your emotions, and your emotions can have an impact on your physical health. Our bodies respond to our emotional health in a variety of ways, including sweaty palms and bursts of laughter around exam time. Your thoughts and emotions can have an impact on your nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. Anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, depression, and stress are all emotions that can manifest in physical imbalance and disease. Insomnia, high blood pressure, infection, digestive disorders, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer are examples of such conditions.
Because coronavirus (COVID-19) affects all of our lives and the fear surrounding this pandemic affects us, you should also take care of your mental health.

Community / Relationship
Both happiness and sadness may be found in relationships.
The most crucial connection is the one we have with ourselves, which includes taking care of ourselves by eating well, relaxing, exercising, and nurturing ourselves, as well as by setting up constructive boundaries with other people.
Humans are sociable animals with strong emotional urges to connect with others. We are not built to flourish in solitude, much less to survive.

To feel and perform at our best, we need the companionship of others. Even while phone conversations and social media have their benefits, face-to-face interactions with individuals can reduce stress and improve mood.


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